Fanfiction by Vivien - Harry Potter | Neil Gaiman Universe | Buffy | Multiverse-Milliways | Recommendations

Milliways Future Fic (all G/PG)

Portico's Birthday - the birth of Tom and Door's first son
The New Arrival - Julia's welcomed by her brothers
Openers All - Julia wants to Open, too
Ingress in Valdemar- Ingress, Megwyn, and Oriza plates
The Night Before the Hogwarts Express  - Julia's headed for school and Tom's not dealing
By the Lake - Tom and Door in seventy years

Portico's Birthday
Written before Nynaeve arrived. She'll be the midwife, and Tom will have an even harder time dealing.

“Right, that’s it,” said Tom, a look of panic on his face. “We’re going to St. Mungo’s.  Help me get her up, 'Dora.”

He reached down to clasp Door’s arm gently, intending to help her out of the birthing chair.  She slapped his hand away. “I’m. Not. Going. Anywhere.”  She gasped as another contraction began to build and tried to breathe deeply. She reached for the same hand she'd slapped away, squeezing it tightly.

“Shh, Tom, it’s alright,” said Tonks as she sponged Door’s forehead with cool water.  “She’s doing fine, and you’ve not set foot in St. Mungo’s since you came to Milliways.”  Tonks knew she was here as much for Tom as she was for Door. For her first baby, Door was doing brilliantly.

“Indeed, my Lord Ostium, your lady is doing quite well,” said Caroline, the midwife.  She smiled at Door fondly.  She’d been the Lady Portia’s midwife as well, and had helped Door into the world twenty-some years ago.

“But… but she’s in pain,” Tom said, wincing a little at the grip on his hand.

“Of course I’m in pain, you idiot! I’m having a baby and it’s all your fault!”

Tonks took that moment to guide a stricken Tom forcibly to the painting of the kitchen.  “Don’t worry, Tom. I said much worse to Bernard with my first. Now, we need more ice chips. Be a love and get some more.” She patted him on the back and lowered her voice. “Get yourself a nip of scotch while you’re at it. But don’t be gone too long.”

Tom rushed through the painting, and Tonks sighed.  Smiling she turned back around to Door, whose normally bright eyes were dulled with the effort of childbirth.  “He’s coming right back, right?” Door said in a small voice.  Caroline had moved behind Door to rub her shoulders soothingly.

“He’ll be right back with more ice chips.  Do you want another pain charm? You can have another now.”

“Yes, please,” she said, watching the paintings on the wall for Tom to return.

"This magic is a wondrous gift, my lady," said Caroline, stroking Door's hair and feeding her the remaining ice chips. "This will be over soon."

“While it’s just us girls, let me tell you some things that helped me when I had Anthony,” said Tonks, casting the pain charm.


A few hours later, mother and child were both settled under the green canopy of Tom and Door’s bed.  Tom’s smile looked as if it would never leave his face.

“A son… We have a son,” he said, for about the hundredth time.  He was pacing a little, nervous energy taking hold before the exhaustion set in. He’d escorted Caroline to a guest room, keying her to the paintings so she could return if they needed her suddenly.

Tonks was eager to return home to her own little ones, but she was very pleased to see her friends so happy.  “He’s a handsome little fellow, Tom.”

“Thanks, 'Dora, for everything,” said Tom, hugging her. 

She squeezed his arm.  Funny, in this light it looked like Tom had tiny flecks of subtle color in his dark blue eyes. She must be more tired than she thought.  “It was a pleasure.  Good night, Door,” she called out.  “I’ll be back tomorrow to help, if you need it.”

“Thanks so much,” Door said, beaming, though visibly very tired.

Once Tonks stepped through the painting, Tom went to Door and their new son.  He sat down beside Door, careful not to jostle her.  He put one arm around her shoulders while he rested his other hand on their little boy’s tiny chest, feeling the heartbeat under his fingertips.

“Temple and Arch, we have a son,” he whispered.

“I noticed,” she said wryly.

“Are you alright, darling? Do you need a pain charm?” His brow furrowed as he watched her face for signs of discomfort.

“No, I’m okay,” she said, smiling down at the baby.  “God, he’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

“Exquisite.” Tom carefully scooped the baby’s hand in his, letting the little fingers curl around one of his.  “Hullo, Portico. Welcome to the House of Arch”  He looked at Door, suddenly alarmed.  “I can do this, can’t I?”

"We can do this, Tom,” said Door. “I love you.”

He kissed her. “I love you, too, darling.”

They were both exhausted, but it was a long time before Tom and Door were able to take their eyes off of their firstborn son and get some rest.  When they did finally drift off to sleep - Portico safely tucked in between his mother and father with protective charms cushioning him - the smiles didn’t leave their faces.


 The New Arrival
Written for Lynette on her suggestion of "Portico and Arch being introduced to their little sister, Julia". Portico is around 5 and Arch is 3-ish

The boys had stayed with Dora and B'erd for the past two nights, so once Tom walked through the door of the flat, they ran to him eagerly.

"Daddy, daddy!" cried Arch, flinging himself into a death grip around Tom's legs. 

Portico also gave him a huge hug, his dark blue eyes flickering with light blue flecks. "Is Mummy alright?"

Tom ruffled both boys' hair, and then knelt down to kiss them.  "Mummy is brilliant, but she's a little tired," he said, beaming. "Would you fine fellows like to go meet your sister?"

The boys erupted in loud cheers. Tom made his quick greetings to Dora and the rest of the kids, ensuring that they could come visit the new arrival soon. He picked up Arch, took Portico by the hand, and the House
of Arch lads made their way home.

Door cradled her tightly swaddled baby daughter, as she herself leaned back against the pillows of the canopy bed.  It had been a more difficult, longer delivery this time than with the boys, but she and the
baby had made it through fine.  And what a baby - she was beautiful,nearly flawless, and she looked like a feminine version her father. This little girl would turn heads one day.

There was a sudden commotion near the paintings as her beloved sons entered the room with their father.

"Mummy!" They both shrieked in excitement and hurried over to the bed. They'd both have jumped on, jostling mother and child, had Tom not caught up with them and slowed them down.

"Slowly, boys," he said. "Mummy's not feeling up to being bounced on, and the baby is very small and fragile."  He guided them to the bedside instead where they reached for their mum as she reached out one hand to touch their cheeks.

"There are my little lords," she smiled. "I missed you."

"We missed you, too, Mummy," said Portico, peering at the baby curiously.

"Can the baby play yet?" asked Arch.

Tom and Door laughed. "No, not yet. She has to get bigger, first," Tom explained.

Door held up the baby so the boys could see her better. "This is your sister, Julia."

"Hi Julia," said Portico, frowning slightly.

Arch greeted her as well, taking her little hand in his.

"Why the frown, son?" Door asked.

"Julia's not an Opener name," said Portico.

"That's because Julia's a witch, we think," said Tom, extremely proud of his elder son's powers of observation.

"Will she go to Hogwarts like Anthony will?" asked Portico. Anthony was a hero of Portico's.

"Maybe," said Door.  "We'll have to wait for the owl, I suppose."

Julia mewed and smacked her lips.  Her eyes fluttered open a moment to reveal blue irises with no opalescent flecks whatsoever.

"She's nice," said Arch.  "I like her!"

"I like her, too," said Tom, meeting Door's eyes and giving her a soft smile. 

"As do I," said Door. "Tom, did you owl Ingress?"

"I did, so hopefully she'll be able to come home soon.  Want me to take the boys off to celebrate a while so you can rest?"  He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, and then kissed his day old daughter's forehead, too.

"Yes, why don't you go to Florean's and bring me back a scoop of double chocolate fudge."

"Yay, Florean's!" yelled the boys.

"Right, Operation Give Mum a Rest is in effect. Come on, boys." He gathered up the boys and as they walked to the painting, he looked back over his shoulder. "I'll be right back, love."

"I know," said Door, smiling and snuggling Julia closely to her.


Openers All

Tom knew the moment he stepped through the playroom painting that something was dreadfully wrong. All he could hear in the room were six-year-old Julia's sobs.

He scanned the room, imagining all the terrible fates that could cause his cherished daughter to cry so. Dashing to the bean bag in which she’d thrown herself, he scooped her up in his arms. She clung to him, crying piteously.

"Sweetheart, what's the matter?" he said, holding her as tightly as possible while still checking her for gaping wounds or other injuries.

Julia couldn't answer; she was too caught up in her crying fit. His daughter had her mother's temper and her father's intensity. She was quite a handful at times. Casting a calming charm as he rocked her and shushed her, he finally consoled her enough to speak.

She blinked up at him. "P-Portico and Arch are meeeeeean." This admission set off a new round of sobs.

Tom frowned. The boys usually got along well with their little sister – Portico took it upon himself to look after her, what with being the eldest and most serious of the three House of Arch children. Arch got along with everyone, and he adored his sister. Tom set her on his knee, wiping her face with a handkerchief. "Tell Daddy what happened."
"We found a room, and it was long, like the hallway at the cottage. There was a door at the end and Portico and Arch went through it and I couldn't because it was locked and I'm not an Opener and the painting charm wouldn't work and they leeeeft meeee." Her face screwed up again and she began to wail.  The paintings on the wall rattled and the toys on the shelves began to shudder - this was not unusual when Julia showed strong emotions.
"Now, listen, Julia, that's quite enough of that. Calm down." Sometimes he and Door had to be stern with Julia to get her to listen. He hated being firm with her when all he really wanted to do was coddle and cosset her. "Did you wait for the boys to come back for you? I'm certain they did."

"No," she said, sniffling. "I came back here because I was sad. Why am I not an Opener? You and Mummy are, and the boys. Even Auntie Ingress is, and I'm nothing."

Tom winced inwardly. He knew how feeling different from those around you hurt. "Gavroche isn't an Opener," he reminded her.

"Gavroche is different," she mumbled, putting her arms around her father's neck and clinging. "I want to Open things, but I can't, and it's not fair."

Tom was silent a moment, patting his little girl's back while thinking of what to say next. He had an idea. It might not be the most ethical of ideas by Wizarding world standards, but they were in the Underside and things could be different.  Besides that, his daughter was gifted - she'd manifested magical powers from the age of two on, especially during her frequent temper tantrums.  Her brothers had been practicing Opening since about the same age; why not help Julia harness her powers?

He took out his wand and handed it to her. "You aren't an Opener, no. But you are someone very special. You're a witch, and a powerful one, at that."

"But I can't do magic till I go to Hogwarts," she said, taking the wand. She waved it and a cascade of shimmering colors appeared in the air.  She gasped in wonder.

"You can, but you'll have to keep it a secret. And only when I'm around - don't get any funny ideas about knicking my wand when I'm not looking." He tweaked her nose, pleased to see her smile return. "Why don't I teach you 'Alohamora'?"
"What's Alohamora?"

Tom grinned mischievously. "Alohamora opens locks."

Julia grinned back, "Really?!?"

“Really. Any lock you’d like.”

"Can I tell Mummy?"

"Sure, and your brothers. Just maybe not 'Dora for the time being. I'll tell her" Tom winked.

"Okay, I like secrets. And opening things!"

At that moment, Portico and Arch came hurtling through one of the other paintings. Portico looked quite relieved to see his sister safe and sound, and Arch smiled and ran to her.

"There you are, Julia," Portico said. "We've been looking everywhere for you."

"Yeah, we turned round and you weren't there. Sorry, sis, we didn't know that door was locked." Arch hugged her and his father in one huge embrace. Tom hugged back and then reached for Poritco's hand, drawing him in.

"It's okay," said Julia cheerily. "Daddy's going to teach me how to open locks with a wand!" She waved the wand again, and several toys lifted up into the air. Tom reached carefully for the wand, securing it from his enthusiastic daughter.

"Cool!" said Arch.

"First we have to find a door, though," said Tom, "Will you boys be so kind as to lead me to this mysterious hallway?"

Portico proudly took Tom's hand. "This way, Dad. It's a really cool place - it looks like no one's been there in years and years."

"Let's stop by your mum's study and have her join our adventure," said Tom. The children cheered and the family of openers left the playroom to collect Door.


Ingress in Valdemar

Ingress and Megwyn are on patrol along the Borders again. This is dangerous duty, but often they see nothing untoward for days at a time. It is lonely duty, as well, and as Ingress rides, her eyes and ears alert for any danger or disruption, she breaks up the monotony by reminiscing.

:: I'd like to see Eddie again. He'd be good to have along on a tour like this - I could use a story tonight by the campfire.::

:: He always did tell the best stories. I enjoyed listening to them with you, little one.::

Ingress snorts at the old term of endearment, the one Megwyn and Tom still call her though she's nearly as tall as Tom himself now. Door always shakes her head when Ingress comes home for visits, teasing that she must have been a changeling, as no one else in the family had a giantess' genes.

:: Remember Oriza plates? ::

A soft bubbling of laughter peals through Ingress' mind. :: How could I forget? I lived in dread that you'd arrive in Valdemar and break all the crockery in your zeal.::

:: They came in handy at that tavern ambush last year, didn't they?:: Ingress' eyes flash with red swirling flecks as she stares into the distance.

::That they did, dear heart.::

Ingress doesn't speak for a while. This life is not an easy one, and she's grateful for all of her teachers and storytellers at Milliways who so carefully prepared her one step at a time, one swing of a sword at a time, one story at a time. She carries Arithon's sword and she keeps an adult-sized pink crossbow and a slingshot in her kit all times.

One thing she's carried with her in a pouch everywhere she's gone since she stepped foot in Valdemar ten years ago is a miniature tea set plate, mended time after time by glue or magic. It is her first Oriza plate, thrown against the wall of her room with a warrior's cry.


The Night Before the Hogwarts Express  
Milliways 42 Prompt: Young
Julia is Tom and Door's youngest child - the only magic user of the three.

Tom ran his fingers though his hair, while he gulped down a swallow of scotch. He and Nymphadora sat at a quiet booth, and he looked a mess.

"I can't do it," Tom said. "I can't put her on that train tomorrow. She's too young."

Nymphadora tried to look as concerned as Tom felt, but she just couldn't. "Tom, she's eleven. She's the same age we were when we went to school."

"She's my baby girl, Dora," said Tom. "It was different for us. I was fleeing the wretched orphanage, and you knew what you were getting into. What if she's not accepted? What if she doesn't make friends? What if she..." He looked quite chagrined. "Er, I've perhaps taught her a little more magic than I ought to've."

Nymphadora raised an eyebrow. "No kidding, really? I'd never have guessed. Not even when she knew about some charms I didn't learn till fifth year. She'll be fine, Tom, and she does know what she's getting into. Between the two of us, she knows a great deal about the Wizarding world."

Tom stared silently into the depths of his scotch for a few moments. "She's going to love it there, and soon she'll leave us forever."

"Yeah, she might," said Nymphadora softly, taking his hand. "She's a witch, not an Opener, and the Wizarding world is where she might fit best. How's Door taking all this?"

"She's not happy about it, but she knew it was going to happen eventually. She's just as worried. For all she likes to visit the Wizarding world, she doesn't trust it.  We've worked so hard to shield the Underside from incursions..." Tom sighed. "I'm going teach Julia at home. I'll send an owl now."

He made to get up, but Dora pulled him back down. "Tom, Julia is over the moon with excitement about going to Hogwarts. She's been talking about it non-stop since she got her letter. You can't keep this from her."

"I know," he said quietly, sitting back down and swiping at his eyes. "It's just too much like... like..."

"When Ingress left?" Dora patted Tom's back as he leaned his head onto her shoulder. "There, now. Oh, Tom.  I know it's hard. But Ingress is happy - she's one the happiest people I've ever known because she's where she belongs. It's not as if you never get to see her. She gets to come home often enough with the portal, and you get to go to Valdemar whenever you like. Hasn't she been back for two weeks this time? That's a long holiday for her."

"It's never long enough," said Tom, his voice muffled. He sat up then, clearing his throat and wiping his face. "Temple and Arch, I've become a maudlin old man crying into his scotch."

"No, you're just a brilliant dad who loves his kids," said Dora. "Are the Ladies of the House of Arch spending a last night together?"

He nodded. "Girls' night. Ingress wants to be with us when we send her off tomorrow, but then she has to go back."

"Want me to come along tomorrow? It's been a while since I stood on Platform 9 and 3/4."

Tom managed a grin. "Julia'd love that. As would I." This time when he stood, he stood with less urgency. "I'm taking the boys on our appointment rounds tonight, but I think I must crash the girls' night for at least an hour or so."

Nymphadora stood, as well.  "It's never easy letting go, Tom. It certainly hasn't been for us."

"I know. Bloody hell, I thought it was hard enough when they were all small and getting into everything in sight.  What the hell am I going to do when she starts dating?"

"Hopefully not hex or open her dates, Lord Ostium."

"I'll try to refrain, but I can't promise you anything." Tom embraced his dearest friend. "Thanks."

"Hey, I'm a professional," she replied. "Or at the very least, I have a few more years experience at this than you." She paused a moment. "I qualify for girls' night, don't you think?"

"Want to crash with me?"

They laughed, and he took her arm as he led her through the House of Arch painting.


By the Lake  

Milliways 42 Prompt: Old

The lake no longer looked much like the one at Hogwarts. Tom could discern bits and pieces of the original, but residents of the bar had slowly changed the landscape in the seventy years since its creation. The sunset was still gorgeous, though, after all this time.

Tom was ninety-seven.  In the Wizarding world that wasn't too terribly old. He certainly didn't <i>feel</i> that old. Besides, he'd never grown the bushy, white beard that marked a truly elderly wizard. If Door had her way, he never would.

He held Door's hand as they strolled slowly by the shore. He remembered flying with their children here, and then with their grandchildren. Between their clan and Dora and Bernard's, there had many a spirited Quidditch game out by this lake.

He reckoned he was good for a few more flights with the great-grands and great-great grands, as well. Door would roll her eyes and call him an idiot, but he knew she would inevitably join him for at least one ride.

Door was hale and hearty for her eight-seven years - Wizarding healing and Tom's magic had played a part in that.  Portico had taken over as Lord of the House of Arch nearly twenty years before. They lived a leisurely life, now, finally able to enjoy themselves, unburdened as they were by responsibility to the Underside, except as occasional consultants.

"It's getting cool," said Door, leaning in closer to Tom, her hair white but her opalescent eyes as bright as they ever were.

Tom cast a warming charm and squeezed her hand. "Shall we go in, then?"

Door nodded. "It's not the same, is it?" They didn't come to Milliways often anymore, except for family gatherings with the Tonks-Wrangle clan. When they did, though, they found themselves  awash with the memories of times past and friends who had moved on.

He kissed her hand. "Nothing is, but that's the way of things."

"Except for the angel and the demon," Door said, quirking a smile. "Just as bloody youthful as they ever were."

Tom laughed and began walking toward the bar, his arm firmly under his wife's. She wasn't as steady as she used to be, but then, neither was he. "I'd not trade with them for anything."

They exchanged a look that only a couple who have lived and loved and fought and cried and cared for one another for decades can.  Then they returned together into the warmth and bustle of the restaurant and bar at the end of the universe.
