Fan Fiction
Fandom Wibblings    

Fanfiction by Vivien - Harry Potter/Good Omens/ Buffy/Multiverse-Milliways/Recommendations

Fanfiction Recommendations

These are stories that I have read over and over again. I love the imagery and
the inspiration that these works leave me. Please be warned that some of these
are rated NC-17. If you are under that age, please do not click on those stories.

Harry Potter|Good Omens|Lord of the Rings|Lotrips|Buffy/Angel|
Discworld|Sandman|Smallville|Pirates of the Caribbean|Writers I Like

Harry Potter

The Travelogue series by Anna
Start with Roman Holiday and go on to Jewel of the Nile. Last Tango in Paris
is the last in in the series, and it is a WIP. Hermione/Draco, Hermione/Bill,
Hermione/Severus - every pairing works amazingly well.

The Other Side of Darkness by Abby
Great Severus/Hermione, and I love how the magic is written.

The Fire and the Rose by Abby and Domina.
I swore I'd never read any silly body switching fics. This one isn't silly at all.

Riley and Pawn to Queen
This fic started it my love of HP fic. The first 20 chapters are incredible,
but the story was never finished. Kind of like my own neglected Hermione
story :(

Jenny O wrote a great Hermione-centric one called In the Kitchens.

Victoria P. has a story I love called Breviary. It takes you through a day following
the various couplings and people of the HP universe.

Good Omens

Another new area of fic I've begun exploring. Three writers in particular have
incredible stories based on Aziraphale and Crowley: Daegaer, Afrai, and Louise Lux.

My favorites so far include (but are not limited to):
Daegaer (who writes the two as dear friends as opposed to a couple, although their
are hints of slash)
Home Is Where the Heart Is Part 1(GO/Dogma crossover), Part 2
Incredible story with great character voice and comparison of two sets of very different
supernatural entities of angel stock
Even in Laughter - Set in Ancient Sumer, Crowley's plans to ensnare Aziraphale lead to a
surprising realization.
Hope Deferred - Seventy years later. The plan will work, but does Crowley really want it to?
Bright with His Splendour Part 1, Part 2 - Crowley's story from Fall to Armageddon

Now for the slashier bits!
Louise Lux
Innocence and Experience - Sweet rediscovery of just what those human bodies can do
A Is for Angel - In which their is kissing
Cloud Layer - this one isn't slash, but it has stunning imagery, and very nice character

Lord of the Rings

The books are sacred to me. I am verrrrry careful about what I read. I'm even
more careful about what I recommend.

Baylor writes some terrific hobbit stories at her site Shortcut to Mushrooms.
My favorites so far have been:

Handkerchiefs and Mushroom Soup
I Always Know You
Two stories set pre-LotR - very nice interaction between the cousins, especially
Merry and Pippin.

Them As Was Willing
How the Conspiracy of Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Fredegar developed as Frodo
prepared to leave the Shire. Written from Merry's POV, and the way his character
is done totally fits with my mental image of Merry - who happens to be my favorite

Care and Feeding of Hobbits: Ruminations on the Little People by Boromir, Man of Gondor
I love this one. I really like how Baylor writes about the closeness of the hobbits, since all
but Sam are related. And he might as well be.

A Way Opens by Thevina Finduilas
This is a wonderful Eowyn and Merry piece - beautiful symbolism and excellent


Another in the category of "Oh, I'll never read that!" Till Billy/Dom fic came around,
that is.
Circe Tigana, Annie S-J, and Fitofpique wrote a stunning story called Brinkmanship that
takes my breath away.

Semaphore has a chilling LotRips/The Stand crossover called This Is the Way the World Ends.

Annakovsky is responsible for a stunningly good Xander/Dom crossover called A Critique of
Pure Reason
that fits Dom into the Buffyverse in an amazingly cool way. WIP

Jenna Tooms has a Scully/Dom series that works so well. I love her Scully voice.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

My favorite work of fan fiction of all time is "Serious Moonlight" by Mustang Sally and Rivka T.
You can find it, as well as the other stories in the series, here. The series is rated
NC-17, and the pairing is Buffy and Spike. The story involves mummies, time travel,
human Spike, and incredible hotness, not the least of which is due to the setting of
1920's Egypt.

Annie Sewell-Jennings writes some incredible Buffy/Spike. One of my favorites is
"Ruination in Red"
which is set in the bleakness that is season 6. It is NC-17, as is
"Hard Candy", a collaboration between Annie S.J. and Wisteria. It is also set during
the length of the season 6 Buffy/Spike affair. It is a series of powerfully emotional
vignettes and extremely sexually graphic, sometimes unpleasantly so.
It's well worth the read.

Way Beyond the Pale by Jenny O.
Anya visits Giles, post-Chosen. A very sweet and sad story.




Lanning's Divergence series is the first slash story I ever read and loved.
Clark/Lex is so canon.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Mermaid's Kiss by Zarahemla has incredible imagery and an awesome voice.

Writers I Love

They write short stories mostly that are posted on LJ, but Zarahemla and
are masterful writers. I enjoy most anything they write.